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Car accidents are common in Renton, Tacoma, and Seattle surroundings. We have been treating people suffering from whiplash or other injuries sustained in a car crashes for 30 years.

If you have car accident, please contact us immediately, so you can get the proper treatment you deserved.

It is very crucial that you do not delay on getting treatment, regardless of how minor the accident, or how minor your condition that you perceived it to be.

Sign or symptoms may not show up right away after an injury, please let our professional team examine you thoroughly. Any delay can have a negative effect on your future well-being.

Car Accident Personal Injury

Early Intervention after Auto Injury

Not only it is medically sound to get early intervention after Car Accident, but it is also legally wise for your settlement purposes.

We do not provide any legal advise at our clinic. We do work with local Attorneys that we can refer you to, if you need legal advice.

We understand Personal Injury, so don't worry about becoming more painful with our treatment. We developed a low force treatment protocol that is highly effective to return you back to pre-injury status. If there is a need, we also work with other Providers to make sure you get the best care you deserved.

You can rest assure that you will be taken care of properly for your injury

Contact us now, to start on the road to recovery


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©  Sky Chiropractic and Massage

To Schedule An Appointment

Call 425-255-5886

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